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    Minamihama Ryujiro

    Profile: Minamihama Ryujiro
    The butterfly effect I read a post that says the present My-Number Health Insurance Card is only linked with the receipt information, so the doctor ca ...
    God is in the details. (2) When I read THE DREAM OF A SUMMER DAY written the Lafcadio Hearn the following sentence, I felt a little bit strange about
    When is the mid-autumn moon? That‘s right, the mid-autumn full moon day is today. The mid-autumn moon typically falls on August 15th in the lunar cale ...
    ChatGTP has still not been in practical use. A few years ago, I wrote about ChatGTP telling a lie.  https://note.com/minamihamaryu/n/nf3b9450e2d24 Thi ...
    God is in the details. When I read THE DREAM OF A SUMMER DAY written the Lafcadio Hearn the following sentence, I felt a little bit strange about it.
    Why did you want to learn English? You might be asked more than once. Well, in my case, I remember that the reason was the simplicity of English words ...
    Can you speak English? Once upon a time, I was going to enter junior high school the next year, and my mom let me learn English conversation at an Eng ...
    Today’s coffee ; Kenya AA Gichathaini coffee AA indicates the bean size, AA (double-u A) means the largest, then A, the smallest is AB in Kenya. Gicha ...
    The first time you encounter the name of this plant, the Asiatic dayflower, is in your elementary school textbook. Because the cell of this plant is s ...
    DTMWith native lang
    These days I often see the header images made by generative AI. I can immediately distinguish it from the natural-made image because it has unnatural
    Enko-maiWith native lang
    Do you know "Enko-mai"? Enko-mai is rice that rice farmers give to their relatives. This amount of rice is not published because it doesn't go through ...
    HollyhockWith native lang
    I wanted to write this post a few weeks ago, but I didn't have enough to write about, so I couldn't up my post until today. This morning, I restarted
    The Depersonalization of Kimono I was surfing the Internet and happened to find three photos of a girl wearing three different kimonos. The faces were ...
    Ginger AleWith native lang
    Ginger Ale Ginger ale is a carbonated soft drink flavored with ginger. As the summer comes, new ginger roots are displayed in vegetable markets every
    While walking around my city, I saw the flower of Lagerstroemia indica. The flowers themselves are not special, but the longevity is so surprising tha ...
    Now I’m reading a book about Toshiyuki Shimegi. He was a famous coffee roaster in Japan, and “was” means he had passed away. The book wrote that he wa ...
    Boston parents have been known to teach their kids to flip the bird at the Yankees and detest anything in pinstripes, and YANKEES SUCK is apparently a ...
    Basic income. It isn't what I imagined. Now a basic income system is going to be implemented in Thailand. The population of Thailand is 66,000,000 and ...
    What I have recognized about new bucks. It’s not important and most of people know this but I first discovered about this today. So, I will write abou ...
    Today’s coffee “Maragogype “ I drank Maragogype coffee made in Guatemala from Aurora Farm. Maragogype beans are surprisingly big, almost three times a ...
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