Jun 17, 2024 20:33
最初の段落は、読者の注意を引くための「フック」から始まる。下記に「How to write hooks」という記事のリンクを記載する。フックのあと、論文ステートメント、要するに、言いたいことを書く。
おそらくこの形式にさえ従えば、英作文のテストで高得点を取ることができるだろう。私は最近英作文を書いていなかったので、久しぶりに一例として書いてみた。 母国語欄に追加した。このポイントに従っての、でっち上げエッセイである。
how to write hooks
[b]General intro and thesis[/b]
Do you suffer from or know many people with stiff shoulders? If so, you are probably Japanese or are friends with Japanese people. Westerners do not often complain about this condition and may be confused as to why this is such a common ailment in Japan. Surprisingly, new research may shed light on this phenomenon. Likely, the Western habit of eating sushi packed with avocado may play a role. Recent studies have found that eating raw fish is very likely to cause stiff shoulders but consuming avocado may protect shoulders from stiffness. This begs the question if more people should adopt this Western habit.
When Westerners come to Japan many expect questions related to things such as their ability to eat sushi and hear comments about their chopstick proficiency. One comment they may not have anticipated is about the Japanese stiff shoulder phenomenon. According to a recent survey around 11% of Japanese suffer from stiff shoulders. In addition, long-time foreign residents of Japan have also been developing stiff shoulders at an alarming rate.
[b]Evidence, support A[/b]
[cr]Stifferin[/cr] is a protein that has been long known to exist at high levels in fish. However, it was not thought to have a biological effect on the human body. The isolated protein has been shown to cause stiff shoulders and is also heat sensitive and thus is not present in cooked fish. However, according to recent research, lovers of raw fish are likely unknowingly consuming high and potentially dangerous levels of this protein. It is then rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract and travels to its target muscle group, the shoulders. Local sushi enthusiast Mr. Ohgui upon hearing this news said, "I eat sushi very much. And also have stiff shoulders every day. Very shocked to hear."
[b]Evidence, support B[/b]
One puzzling aspect of the stiff shoulders debate is that while sushi has rapidly become more popular in the West and sushi restaurants are flourishing, there does not seem to be a corresponding rise in stiff shoulders. Researchers may have an answer. Avocado, which is commonly a key ingredient in Western sushi rolls, has high levels of an enzyme researchers have dubbed [cb]stifferase[/cb]. This enzyme shows high activity in the lab for the breakdown of stiff shoulders causing [cr]stifferin[/cr]. Additionally in the same study, it was observed that diners of avocado-containing California rolls show no detectable levels of [cr]stifferin[/cr] in the blood. Avocado may be essentially a panacea to this difficult-to-treat condition.
[b]Thesis, relation to society or the world[/b]
It is now clear that consumption of raw fish may lead to stiff shoulders and the Western practice of eating avocado sushi rolls can counteract this. While many people worldwide believe that Western diets are unhealthy, leading to poor health and obesity, it may be prudent to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Some parts of Western diets such as eating avocado-containing sushi rolls may be one of those babies worth saving. If people in Japan would expand their range of sushi choices to include delicious California rolls it could have a wide-ranging societal impact. Not only would incidents of stiff shoulders be reduced or eliminated but it could even greatly reduce associated medical costs and even be able to help reduce Japan's overall debt levels. It is a proposition that Japanese people should consider sinking their teeth into.