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    Yesterday's Yesterday

    Oct 02, 2024 17:24
    28 0 0 English
    This letter is for you. I hope that after I die, you will notice it and find out how I have been admiring you since yesterday's yesterday. Actually, I wish that you wouldn't know anything in the end, so I could take this secret and all my memory of you along with me and the chill air into the desolate mountain. This is a letter just for you. I wish that you won't read it while I am alive. I guess I have tried my every effort to conceal it. No one seems to be aware of it, nor do you. However, in case you heed it accidentally, I guess that I have long passed away. Therefore, I can still have a dream, undisturbed and intact. I know that I am selfish. Ever since I met you, I have become the most selfish person in the world. I just want to love you and don't even feel like to let you know. Before this letter is read, hopefully, I have long gone. The library card filled with your names, the high-scored test paper which I mistook away from you deliberately, the time procrastinated in order to be with you under the dim light at the bicycle parking lot and my clumsy look in front of your doorstep,.....please don't throw them away. I am fine. My immortal spirit living in this mountain can't be much better. Living in the air full of you can't be more happiness. I,... am,.... fine. (Can you hear me?) Do you,...know it? Do you really know that I like you very much? I feel shy indeed.

    [cb]昨天的昨天 這是寫給你的情書, 在我死後的不久, 你終於發現, 昨天的昨天的昨天, 我是怎樣的愛慕著你。 其實, 我希望你永遠都不會發現。這樣, 我就可以帶著這個秘密, 和我的記憶, 一起被遺忘在這罕無人煙的深山裡, 和我想念你的冷冷空氣裡。[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]這是我寫給你的情書, 希望你不要在我還活著的時候發現。我想, 我已經盡量的不讓任何人發現, 你應該也不會知道。[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]但是, 如果不小心, 被你發現了, 希望那個時候我已經不在了。這樣, 我就可以擁有一個不被打擾, 不被破壞的美夢。[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]我是自私的, 在遇見你的時候, 我成了天底下最自私的人。我只想愛著你, 卻不想讓你知道。[/cb] [cb]在這封情書被發現以前, 希望, 我已經不在了。[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]學校圖書館裡, 寫滿了你名字的借書卡, 還在,.... 我故意拿錯你高分的考卷, 也在,...... 腳踏車棚, 昏暗燈光下, 拖延和你相處的時光,..... 最後一眼, 到你家的蠢模樣,..... 請你, 別丟掉。[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]我很好。 永遠住在山裡的我, 一直都很好。永遠住在想念你的空氣裡, 讓我覺得特別的幸福。[/cb] [cb] 我、很、好。(你聽到了嗎?)[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]你, 知道了嗎? 知道我喜歡你了嗎?[/cb][cb] [/cb] [cb]我真的覺得很不好意思。[/cb]

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